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Backup using SFTP and other appliance manager enhancements with v4.3.5

We have added an option to schedule the device42 backups using SFTP in v4.3.5. Other enhancements to the appliance manager and the app are also discussed below.

Device42 Backup to SFTP server


The Appliance manager has a new option to add SFTP server settings as shown in the image above. While adding the backup schedule you can choose between a Mail server or an SFTP server as shown below.


Clear application logs


Under application we have added option to clear out the logs and reclaim some space back.

Securing the VM Console with password


For those of you running VM on a server where permissions are a concern, you can now set an optional password for the VM Console.

Usage metrics


Appliance manager now includes a snapshot of the usage metrics for the device42 appliance with load average, disk usage and highest CPU and memory using process.

Dashboard and search

On the dashboard, the search bar will be in focus now. This saves a click because now when you want to search for something, just start typing.
Also, the dashboard will load faster as we have deferred the U calculations until after the page has loaded.

License usage


On the license page(under Tools > License), we have added a table showing license usage.

Upgrade to v4.3.5

The update file for v4.3.5 is now available at: /update/
If you haven’t given device42 a spin yet, you can download a 30 day free trial from device42 download page.

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Rock Johnston
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