
Software Update Utility | Device42 Software

Update for Device42 Software

Device42 v19.01 is generally available with new features and fixes. Please see Release Notes.

Upgrading to Device42 v19.01 is only possible from v19.00. Upgrading to v19.00 is necessary since v19.00 is a foundation release which includes an update of the underlying operating system to Rocky Linux 8.9. This must be performed before 19.01 upgrade is initiated.

Please refer to the full v19.00 release notes for additional details on upgrading to v19.00 and preparation for the v19.01 upgrade activity.

Note:  For Main Appliances operating on a prior version to v18.x, an upgrade to the latest version v18.14 release will be required before moving to v19.00.

For upgrades to trial deployments, please contact Support.

MA Version:
RC Version: