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Outscale cloud discovery and Openssl vulnerability fix with v5.9.2

Brief summary of changes in v5.9.2 is below.

Outscale cloud discovery

Cloud auto-discovery now supports instances from Outscale.

Openssl vulnerability fix

We have patched the CVE-2014-0224 vulnerability as discussed here:

Job name for auto-discovery jobs

All auto-discovery jobs now require names to easily identify different jobs.

Full path for a circuit

You can now see the full path for a circuit from the circuit view or edit page.

API enhancements

  • GET call for hardware models.
  • Filter mac addresses by mac address in the GET call.
  • Purchase POST API now supports contract_id, service_type and circuit_ids.
  • tags in the GET API device.
  • tags in the POST API device.

Bug Fixes

  • HP Blade discovery with non-UTF text in serial # (in snmp) was causing the discovery to fail. Now fixed.
  • Switch auto-discovery was failing in some edge cases for certain alias IPs. Now fixed.
  • Whole password import was failing if any one username was more than 64 characters. Now only the related row fails and rest of the sheet imports fine.
  • Password import didn’t support semi colon as user, group separator (format used by re-importable sheet). Now fixed.
  • Patch panel display and view didn’t include circuits in the full path. Now fixed.

v5.9.2 availability

You can grab the latest update file and update instructions from: /update/

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