Device42 – Official Blog

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Introducing DELETE APIs and enhanced IPAM in v6.3.4

We are excited to announce v6.3.4 with the following changes.

DELETE APIs are finally here!


Device42 REST APIs now have a DELETE method. The DELETE commands take the ID of the object and returns delete:true if successful.

IP Address Management enhancements in subnet tree view


In the subnet tree view, you can now hover over the VRF groups, subnets or IPs and get more details on each. Also, each subnet and VRF group has an edit button right next to it to enable you to make changes right from the subnet tree view.

Delimited text file as another report output


By popular demand, we have added an option to generate tab-delimited text files for report.

API Changes

  • The Parts API GET call now new filters for part_id and partmodel_id
  • The Device GET call now has lot of new options to limit the columns returned, limit the number of records and option to return blank as nulls. Also, you can now filter by last updated time stamp.
  • custom_fields have been added to appcomps GET API call.

Bug Fixes

  • Changing the IP label from subnet tree was not working. Now fixed.
  • IE9 issues around saving an object have been fixed.

Enhanced IP Address Management with v6.3.4

Current users can grab the latest update file from: /update/

If you are looking for better IP Address Management, you don’t need to look any further. Download your free trial today from: /download/

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About the author

Steve has spent the last 30 years as an entrepreneur and CTO. He created the Esperant business intelligence product in the early 1990's and has been CTO of Tangoe, Computershare, Transcentive, and Cognitive Systems.