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Power Circuits and SSL Certificate management in v6.5.0 with OpenSSL vulnerability fixes

We are excited to introduce tracking for power circuits, SSL Certificate management and other features in v6.5.0 as discussed below.

Tracking power circuits

You can now manage your power circuits in Device42. These can be associated with Breaker panels. With the new version of the power monitoring collector you can also auto-discover branch circuit power monitoring devices. This way you will be able to see circuits by breaker panel or BCPM (Branch Circuit Power Meter). Each circuit can be connected to Devices, Assets or PDUs.

Security update (openssl)

Openssl has been updated to v1.0.1-4ubuntu5.25 with security fixes notes here:

SSL Certificate management


Based on popular demand, SSL certificate management is finally here. Track or auto-load your certificates into Device42 to manage start / end dates and associate the certificates with purchase records.

Dell Blade Chassis Auto-discovery

Blade SNMP auto-discovery now supports Dell Chassis as well. Find out the chassis details and what blade servers are in what slots.

IP range for KVM Hypervisor auto-discovery


KVM Hypervisor auto-discovery was limited to a single IP in previous versions. You can now add an End IP and discover all your KVM hosts and VMs quickly.

Option to ignore VM auto-discovery for Hypervisors


If you only want to discover the Hosts (or Hypervisors) and not the VMs – you can do so now with the new option to “Discover VMs”.

Cisco UCS Discovery with non-default ports


Cisco UCS auto-discovery now supports non-default ports as well.

API Changes

Device GET api call now has patch_panel_ports and switch_port_connections as part of included columns (include_cols)

/api/1.0/device/name/device name/?include_cols=patch_panel_ports

sample output
{"patch_panel_ports": [{"label1": "", "patch_panel": "Joe PP 3", "number": 2, "full_path": "Joe PP Port Device <-> [Joe PP 3:2]"}, {"label1": "", "patch_panel": "Joe PP 3", "number": 1, "full_path": "Joe PP Port Device <-> [Joe PP 3:1]"}]}
2015-03-17 15:44:29 - add optional switch_port_connections to device api, will only be output if listed in include_cols

/api/1.0/device/name/Joe On PDU Port/?include_cols=switch_port_connections

sample output
{"switch_port_connections": [{"switch": "A234814", "port": "00/01", "label": ""}, {"switch": "SW-5002", "port": "(1)", "label": "00:0c:29:1b:b3:2f"}]}

DNS Records GET API Added.

Filters can be domain, domain and nameserver, type and name
Supports include_cols and blanksasnull

/api/1.0/dns/records/?domain=a&nameserver=a&include_cols=name, content

{"total_count": 48,
"records": [
{"name": "1X11", "dns_zone": "a", "content": "", "ttl": null, "change_date": null, "type": "A", "id": 374},
{"name": "dejan", "dns_zone": "device42.pvt", "content": "", "ttl": null, "change_date": null, "type": "A", "id": 375},

device_serial filter added for parts GET


Bug Fixes

  • Subnet usage calculation changed back to real time to fix delete related and incorrect calculation issues.
  • Rack usage calculation changed back to real time calculation.
  • View page issue with overlapping text in IE9 is fixed.
  • Physical device location sorting by rack and start_at now fixed.


Power circuits and SSL certificate management in v6.5.0

Start managing your power circuits in a more efficient way with option for real time power usage in this new release of Device42. Current users can grab the update file from: /update/

If you are still relying on pre-historic tools to manage your Data Center Infrastructure, give Device42 a try for free by downloading the software from: /download/

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