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Updated Application Dependency Mappings with v6.6.0

The following is a brief summary of changes in v6.6.0. We will be updating this post with more details shortly.

Updated Application Dependency Mappings

Check out the new application dependency charts. With the new charts you can:

  • Zoom in and out
  • Download the image file
  • Move components around (drag and drop)
  • Hover over a component to link to the component.

Also, Application Components mappings get a “reason” for every connection. For each device, for each application component, and for each service, you can now add a reason. The reason will show up in the newly updated Application Dependency Charts if you click on the link.-

Password export with option to export passwords as well

There is now a global setting now to enable clear text password export. Once you enable it, all password export sheets will have passwords in it. Enable it by navigating to Tools>>Settings>>Global Settings.

Ability to change password passphrase

You can now modify a passphrase from Tools > Settings > Password Security.

Mail server settings test button

In both the main app and the appliance manager, we have added a test button for mail server.

Making PDU outlet name editable

In the earlier releases, we were depending on auto-discovery to get the outlet name. We have changed the behavior so users can change the outlet name. Please note that if auto-discovery finds a different name, it will override any previous values.

Session timeout increased to one week

Global settings for session timeout can be set to as long as 1 week now. Earlier settings allow a maximum of 10 hours. This setting is accessible under the appliance manager.

API changes

For application components, you can now add the reason via the APIs.

For Adding Device to rack APIs (and excel import), you can now add a new hardware model with size and manufacturer.

Bug Fixes

  • Chassis layout was not rendering correctly for some edge cases. Fixed.
  • Global IP and subnet search was only showing parent subnets (and not any child subnets). Fixed.
  • Parts GET filter by serial_filter issue fixed.
  • Ping sweep was failing for certain edge cases if the returned IP format was not correct. Now it only fails for that one IP vs. failing for the whole job.
  • OS license character limit increased.
  • Username vserver auto-disc character limit increased.
  • Device type other page had some issues rendering the view or edit pages for some cases. Fixed.

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