We are happy to announce the following changes in v10.3.2 of the .Net-based device auto-discovery software.
HP-UX device discovery
HP-UX support is finally here! We have tested with HP-UX 11.x. The discovery process finds both hardware and software inventory and also discovers services. Please note that in order to discover services and to do deeper application mapping, lsof needs to be installed on the system; however, Isof is not needed for basic hardware and software discovery.
Solaris sparc 10 and 11 support
Solaris Sparc is also supported now. (Previously we supported Solaris Intel only). Please note that since we cannot directly discover the serial # of a Sparc machine, we are using hostID as the serial # in the discovery.
Harddisks as Parts
This version also adds the support for discovering the system hard disks as parts. On Windows and Linux systems, the serial #’s of the hard disks In harddisks are discovered and used as a unique identifier. If a serial # is not detected, the hard disk is ignored (this prevents creation of duplicates).
Cosmetic/UI changes
- We have made the discovery icons clickable.
- Added scroll bar for the SCCM settings page.
Bug Fixes
- Redhat OS detection issue if lsb file was missing has been fixed.
Auto-discover your network now!
If you haven’t given Device42 a try yet, you should start now and auto-discover all the devices in the network complete with all the relationships between physical, virtual and services layer. You can download the latest auto-discovery software from: /autodiscovery/