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Device42 Now Integrates With Salt (SaltStack)!

That’s right – Device42 now also integrates with SaltStack! If you currently use Device42 and Salt, you can now easily import your Salt node data with our newly published open source Device42-Salt sync script. When this python-based script is run on your Salt Master, it reads the relevant Configuration Item (CI) data and sends it to Device42 via Device42’s RESTful APIs.

After you’ve done your initial import, you can count on Device42’s Continuous Discovery to automatically keep your physical, virtual, cloud servers and containers, network components, software, services, and applications inventory and interdependency information up-to-date.

The Device42 / Salt Integration can gather the following node attributes from Salt:

  • Name
  • Node Type
  • CPU Power
  • Customer
  • Virtual or Physical
  • Virtual Sub-type
  • CPU Core Count
  • Manufacturer
  • Operating System & OS Version
  • Total Memory
  • HDD Count
  • Service Level


Running the script is fast and easy, too. Just download, configure, and run from your Salt Master. For detailed information, assumptions, and prerequisites, check out our Salt Integration page.

Configuration and Usage

  1. Create a working directory foo and copy the contents of the salt_to_device42_sync repository to it
  2. Copy (or move/rename) the settings file settings.yaml.example to settings.yaml
  3. Populate the settings.yaml file you created in the last step with your Device42 instance info [host, user, pass]:
  4. # ========= Device 42
        host: host
        user: user
        pass: pass
    # ========= Options
    # static options
        customer: null
        customer_id: null
        service_level: null
        # as_node_name: one of [fqdn, name]
        as_node_name: fqdn
        node_filter: []


    (consult README.MD & requirements.txt for more details)


  5. Configure node filtering, if desired. Details regarding configuration options can be found in Filter settings are added following the ‘options:’ section of settings.yaml
  6. Run the script!

$ python [-c /path/to/settings.yaml]


If you run into any unexpected behavior, bugs, or otherwise have questions, comments, or feature requests, feel free to reach out to [email protected].
Download the Salt integration script for Device42 today!

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