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Better ITSM with the new Device42 – Cherwell integration

Device42 is proud to announce the addition of Cherwell ITSM / CMDB interoperability to its extensive list of free integrations!


Cherwell users can now extend their infrastructure management toolkit with Device42’s advanced capabilities, including:Cherwell-Device42 Integration Dashboard


  • Agentless autodiscovery including hardware, software, and services dependency and topology mapping
  • Resource Utilization – CPU, memory, disk & network IO information
  • Advanced DCIM, ITAM, and IPAM
  • RESTful APIs, webhooks … and more!




The Device42-Cherwell sync integration allows users to easily sync chosen CI details from Device42 to Cherwell, which can viewed in the Cherwell CMDB and attached to service tickets for an enhanced ITSM experience. Sync anything from hardware makes and models to software, services, and license details, customer and location information, and much, much more.


Enhance Cherwell With the Power of Device42’s Comprehensive Autodiscovery

Device42 autodiscovered CI in Cherwell CMDB

Using the Device42-Cherwell integration connector, Cherwell users can leverage Device42’s enhanced autodiscovery, asset management, and tracking capabilities, syncing discovered CI’s to their Cherwell’s Configuration Management Database (CMDB).


Schedule the sync for automatic refresh at user-defined intervals, or manually refresh the data at any time!


View/Edit Associated CI Details from Cherwell Requests

In addition, the Device42-Cherwell integration syncs Device42 CI URLs to the Cherwell CMDB. By adding the field ‘u_device42_url’ to CI’s in the Cherwell admin council, you can view this URL along with Cherwell CI details, providing quick access to both CI details in Device42, and convenient access to Cherwell’s IT trouble ticketing features, which are not found in Device42.

Device42 CI attached to Cherwell ITSM Issue


Thanks for checking out the new Cherwell integration — download it today! If you aren’t already a Device42 user, get a 30-day free trial for free.

The Cherwell integration is provided as-is, and without any support. We do provide fee-based professional services and support if you need help using this script. For more information, email [email protected] with subject “Cherwell integration inquiry”

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