Introduction of network TAPs in v5 now completes the Patch panel management module. With this, you can keep an accurate inventory of your structured cabling.
Flexible modular templates for automatically creating network TAP ports

Under Assets > TAP Module Model, you can define the template properties for TAP Modules.
Here you can define individual port label, port type, single strands or not, port capability as in if it is a device port or a monitor port. By using port to from and monitor direction values, you can cut down the data entry in created ports by quite a bit. Using these 2, you can pre-define the flow of the traffic across normal(device) and monitoring ports.
You can add as many ports you have and only required fields are label, port type, single strand. Others can be changed per TAP port after the port creation.
Creating network TAPs and Ports

Once you have templates(or models) defined, you can create a device type other with subtype TAP. Just add the modules referring to TAP templates with module slot # and ports will be created automatically.
TAP port connectivity

TAP port can be connected to Device, Patch panel port or a Switch port. Port to from completes the network connection. 2nd port of single strands are marked as “b” and you can assign different object labels. For monitor port you have option to choose what ports are being monitored in what direction.
Connecting a patch panel port to TAP port

With this change, the patch panel port gets an extra option to connect to TAP Port. Also, the other end connection is made automatically. For example, if you connect TAP port to a patch panel port, the corresponding patch panel port automatically gets connected to the TAP Port.
Complete network path from the patch panel display

When you over over a port in the patch panel display, you will know see the full connectivity. Multiple patch panel ports and TAP ports are depicted both in the hover over connection text and in the graphical display.
Better patch panel management is now available
v5.0.3 is now available to download at device42 download page.
Current users can grab the latest update file from: /update/