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Web based rack elevations with drag and drop in v5.4.0

We are excited to announce that drag and drop functionality for web based rack elevations is finally here! All the changes in v5.4.0 are discussed below.

Drag and drop functionality for rack elevations

drag and drop objects in rack elevation

You are now be able to drag and drop devices within a rack, from the front to the back of a rack, or between racks.

Additionally, the rack page works as a container, so you can hold a device anywhere on the page (e.g to do a device swap).

With introduction of “Find next slot” and start_at=auto in the API call in v535, you can import your racked devices, assets or PDUs quickly and use drag and drop to mimic the real life rack elevation.

Server auto-discovery using SNMP agent



We are introducing the option to discover your Windows and *nix based servers using SNMP auto-discovery. Please note that this discovery method only discovers hostname, memory size, IP and MAC address info. For some windows machines, we can also guess the Operating system. In general, we recommend using the WMI or SSH auto-discovery methods that have been available in Device42 for some time and to only use SNMP discovery when your network restricts WMI/SSH discovery. Note that the image above has been updated to the SNMP discovery menu as it appears in current releases (v14.x +).


Customer delete

Deleting a customer resulted in deleting all related devices, assets and subnets (or users had to go in manually and remove those associations before deleting the customers). We have changed this behavior so that deleting a customer now just sets the customer value to null and any associated devices, assets and subnets remain intact.

API Changes

When importing racked devices, you can now import devices using serial # or asset #. Previously, you had to provide the device name.

Still relying on outdated Visio diagrams for rack elevations?

If you are still relying on outdated visio diagrams for rack elevations, we think you should take Device42 for a spin. Go to device42 download page to get a 30 day free trial and see for yourself how you can simplify your data center management.

Revolutionize your IT - Download a Device42 Free Trial Today

Current users can grab the update file here: /update/.

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About the author

Steve has spent the last 30 years as an entrepreneur and CTO. He created the Esperant business intelligence product in the early 1990's and has been CTO of Tangoe, Computershare, Transcentive, and Cognitive Systems.