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Device discovery for IPMI, IBM Blade Center and Redhat virtualization with v5.8.0

We have added a few more device discovery options in v5.8.0 to help with automation of your data center documentation. New auto-discovery methods and other changes in this release are discussed below.

IPMI auto-discovery


You can now discover IPMI properties like BMC IP, MAC address, hardware model, serial # etc. from the IPMI boards. The BMC IP and MAC address are added with a port name of “mgmt” to the device.

IBM Blade Center auto-discovery


Blade systems auto-discovery now support IBM Blade Center. Find the blades in the chassis with serial # and slot # and automatically track any blade changes.

Redhat virtualization/oVirt auto-discovery


oVirt auto-discovery is finally here! Auto-discover the hosts and the VMs on your CentOS/Redhat Virtualization platform and keep track of any changes automatically.

UI Enhancement: Separator between fields


Based on user feedback – we have added a separator between fields on the edit and view pages.

UI Enhancement: Rack availability


A quick visualization of rack availability is now present in the rack list view.

Chinese language support

We have added support for Simplified Chinese starting with v5.8.0.

OpenSSL vulnerability fix

Recent openssl vulnerabilities have been addressed as discussed here:

Get OS and version in network device auto-discovery

As part of the network auto-discovery – we are not populating the OS and ver # for the network devices.

Track VM name changes in Virtual Host auto-discovery


We have added a new option to track VM name changes in any of the virtualization platform auto-discovery.

API changes

  • Create/Update PDU Models
  • Create/Update Patch panel models
  • Device details APIs include detailed info for mac addresses

Import to support multiple sheets

Based on User feedback Tools>>Import/Export now supports importing multiple sheets in a single excel file.

Bug fixes

  • PDU model name was missing in get API call. Now fixed.
  • PDU model name is now unique per Vendor.
  • Changed part_model location limit to 64 characters
  • Hover over in rack layout was showing 2 links for impact charts. Fixed.
  • UCS manager auto-discovery – changed service profile was not being reflected correctly in Device42. Fixed.
  • Auto-discovery scheduled job exactly at midnight didn’t execute. Fixed.
  • Racks U size calculation bug – if the rack size is changed is not fixed.
  • Ping sweep was failing for certain ranges. Now fixed.
  • If a custom key was saved with null value from the GUI, it errored out when changing via the API. Now fixed.
  • IP Address tag was getting truncated with API or excel import. Now fixed.
  • IP address list page didn’t include label in the search. Now fixed.

Updated device discovery with v5.8.0

Start with a free trial of Device42 and auto-discover all your network assets with compehensive data centre management.

Current users can grab the update file from: /update/

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