Device42 – Official Blog

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Hadoop application discovery in .Net auto-discovery v11.4.0

We are excited to announce the following changes in v11.4.0 of the .Net auto-discovery tool:

Hadoop application discovery

Starting with this version along with v11.4.0 of the Device42 main application, you can now discover Hadoop applications along with all of its services and config files. (Application mapping license add-on required).

Bug Fixes

  • Mac software wasn’t coming in correctly in some cases. Fixed.
  • Mac CPU speed wasn’t correct in some cases. Fixed.
  • Added support for xen as virtual subtype for virtual devices.

Discover your applications and dependencies automagically

You can download the latest version of auto-discovery tool from: /autodiscovery/

If you haven’t given Device42 a try yet, download a free trial from: /download/ and automatically discover all your applications and inter-dependencies today.

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