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Programmers: We’ll pay YOU for integrations with Device42! Details Inside!

Device42 is excited to announce our new “Integration Submission” program! We’re asking you, the community, to submit your own original, working 3rd party integrations with Device42 to us, which we will then freely share with the entire Device42 community — and we’re paying for them! See details below!


  1. The goal is to create new integration(s) between Device42 and 3rd party IT infrastructure management tools, for which we’ll pay $500 [original, fully functional, and otherwise at our discretion]. We’re not trying to get free code, but we won’t accept perfunctory efforts at beating the system, either.
  2. The “Award” is one [or more] $500 Amazon gift card(s); one gift card per acceptable integration submission [details below]. Reference the graphic below for general submission guidelines, see our existing integrations, and if you still have questions, email [email protected]

$500 Device42 Integration Giveaway Image




Rules for submission:

  1. Device42 is looking to expand its library of open-sourced integrations with 3rd party systems [see the graphic above, & existing integrations for reference]. If you are a coder and have the technical knowledge, a knack for solving problems, and the drive to develop great software, you are just who we want. ‘Developers’ must submit original work consisting of a fully functional integration between an original 3rd party software & Device42.
  2. Only original integrations consisting of working code will be accepted. Broken code, and/or code that was copy / pasted or previously existed will not be accepted as a valid entry [this is solely at the discretion of Device42]. If in doubt, ask questions before you code / submit it!
  3. The administrators of this solicitation for code (Device42 / and its representatives) are the sole determinants of “fitness for submission” and “fitness for compensation”; e.g. Device42 may judge any entry useless and disqualify it, and/or may choose to accept and pay for an integration at our sole discretion, for any reason.
    1. Examples of things we will not consider acceptable entries:
      1. Existing software products
      2. Two or more freely available software products combined to create an entry with no (or very little) original code
      3. A forked / slightly modified open source project
      4. Code that you are unwilling to “gift” and/or assign copyright to Device42 [in full]
      5. Code derived in full or in part from, or that relies on NON-FREE libraries. Any and all integration dependencies must be OPEN-SOURCE and freely redistributable!
    2. Examples of things we will most likely consider acceptable:
      1. Original work that utilizes an existing module to complete a simple task [e.g. a standard library]
      2. Original work that utilizes existing Windows / Linux command(s) to perform a new / novel operation
      3. etc.
  4. Submitted / Accepted code will be Copyrighted by Device42 (only), and will be licensed with either an MIT / BSD / Apache license [we will determine the best license at our discretion after code is accepted].
  5. We reserve the right to correct or update these rules at any time and for any reason, with or without notice.

Device42 Integration Map Graphic

Some of our existing integrations – integrations in YELLOW outline do not yet exist.


As mentioned above, if you have any questions that you didn’t see answered here, email [email protected]. We’re super excited to see what the Device42 community comes up with!

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