We are excited to announce the general availability of Device42 v16.07.00, which includes a number of bug fixes as well as the following enhancements:
Discovery Scores Improvements
Device42 now provides discovery score data for UCS/ACI/Load Balancer, SNMP, and Nmap auto-discovery as well as all cloud auto-discovery tools.
CRE Reports Now Include CPU and Device Name Data
Device42’s Cloud Recommendation Engine (CRE) reports now include columns for CPU information and device names for all supported cloud vendors.
Global Search Now Returns Database Instance and Link To Its Device
You can now search for database instances using the Device42 home page global search function. Type a name in the search box on the home page or at the right of the menu bar. Device42 displays the search results.
Click the matching entry to display the database and a link to its device.
Advanced Reports Timestamps Now Show Report Date and Time
Advanced reports now include timestamps that display both date and time; previously, report timestamps showed only the date.
New Option To Kill Running Autodiscovery Jobs Immediately
You can now kill autodiscovery jobs to remove the jobs immediately and remove their currently running discovery threads. You can also choose to kill a job and allow its running threads to complete. Go to Reports > Jobs Dashboard to display the Jobs Summary page. Select the job(s) you want to kill and then select Kill Selected Jobs – Remove Immediately or Kill Selected Job – Allow Pending Jobs to complete from the Action: menu at the top of the jobs list.
MS Azure Cloud Auto-Discovery Now Supports Device Tags
Device42’s MS Azure cloud auto-discovery now supports an option to add tags as custom fields to discovered devices. These tags can be over 100 characters long.
Remote Discovery Now Captures Service Communication IPs
In both DOQL and the Device42 main appliance interface, you can now see service communication with listener IP information and service ports.
New SNMP Discovery Support for Nasuni Filer Devices
Device42 SNMP Autodiscovery now supports the discovery of Nasuni Filer devices.
Depending on the device type, Device42 discovery returns data such as hardware name, model number, serial number, IP addresses and subnets, ports, location, date added, date updated, etc.
Latest Device42 update
Current customers, grab the latest update file @ /update/
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