Device42 – Official Blog

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IPv6 documentation added

New release of device42 software has added support for documenting IPv6. IPv6 is a critical part of any IP address management software. Few other new features that have been added:

  • Inline adding and editing of rooms within a building or datacenter. When you are adding a new building, you can just add rooms right there on the same page.
  • When creating rooms you can inline add/edit racks from the same screen.
  • Rack numbering can start from either direction and you can now define custom starting number for your rack position.
  • Extended Filtering support added on all the list views. e.g., looking at physical devices, you can now filter by building, room, hardware, Operating system etc.
  • Search made simple. Separate search boxes for  Device name and IP address have been merged into simpler, single search box.

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