Following is a quick workaround to find shadow IT or external providers that your services are connecting to when doing application mapping.
Macro code
Private Const AF_UNSPEC As Long = 0 Private Const AF_INET As Long = 2 Private Const AF_INET6 As Long = 23 Private Declare PtrSafe Function Socket Lib "ws2_32.dll" Alias "socket" (ByVal af As Long, ByVal stype As Long, ByVal Protocol As Long) As Long Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long) Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetHostByAddr Lib "ws2_32.dll" Alias "gethostbyaddr" (haddr As Long, ByVal hnlen As Long, ByVal addrtype As Long) As LongPtr Private Declare PtrSafe Function InetAddr Lib "ws2_32" Alias "inet_addr" (ByVal cp As String) As Long Private Declare PtrSafe Function lstrlenA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Ptr As Any) As Long Public Function GetHostName(ByVal Address As String) As String Dim hSocket As Long Dim AddressType As Long Dim lLength As Long Dim lRet As LongPtr hSocket = Socket(AddressType, 1, 6) If hSocket = 0 Then MsgBox ("Failed to create socket!") Exit Function End If lRet = GetHostByAddr(InetAddr(Address), 4, AF_INET) If lRet <> 0 Then CopyMemory lRet, ByVal lRet, 4 lLength = lstrlenA(lRet) If lLength > 0 Then GetHostName = Space$(lLength) CopyMemory ByVal GetHostName, ByVal lRet, lLength End If Else GetHostName = "" End If End Function
Adding Macro to Excel
Alt + F11, then insert > Module and copy paste the above code.
Saving with the macro
To use the macro next time you open the file, make sure to save it as macro enabled workbook
Using the Macro
Simple working of the macro is as below:
To use in the excel, just add a new column and refer to the IPs column to get reverse DNS lookup.