
Video: Navigating the digital transformation of ESG with AI with Chaitra V. - Device42

Navigating the digital transformation of ESG with AI with Chaitra V.

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In the latest episode of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to IT” podcast, host Michelle Dawn Mooney welcomes Chaitra Vedullapalli, co-founder and president of Women in Cloud and co-founder/CMO of Meylah. The discussion revolves around the digital transformation of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). Chaitra Vedullapalli, a seasoned leader in the tech industry, shares insights into the challenges faced by executives in implementing ESG sustainability solutions and the transformative role of AI in shaping marketplace dynamics. The episode emphasizes the need for adaptable leadership in navigating the complexities of ESG in a rapidly evolving tech landscape. Listeners gain valuable perspectives on the three-letter wave—ESG—and its profound impact on businesses, sustainability, and decision-making processes. For those seeking a roadmap in leveraging AI for ESG, this podcast serves as an insightful guide. Subscribe to “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to IT” for a deeper understanding of the intersection between ESG and AI in the tech industry.


Join host Michelle Dawn Mooney in this enlightening episode of “Hitchhiker’s Guide to IT” as

she welcomes Elzar Simon, author of “AI Hacked” and Senior IT Director at NYU. Together, they

explore the vast realm of artificial intelligence (AI).

In this first part, Elzar demystifies AI, highlighting its language processing prowess, where AI

can converse and generate content, bridging the gap between machines and humans. He

showcases AI’s incredible face recognition capabilities and its impact on self-driving vehicles,

manufacturing robots, and even medical applications.

The episode captures the transformative power of AI, offering insights into its potential across

diverse industries. Stay tuned for part two, where Michelle and Elzar delve deeper into the

challenges and implications of AI. Subscribe to the “Hitchhiker’s Guide to IT” on

for part two and expand your knowledge of this groundbreaking technology.