Hi, this is Marc from Device42, in this video we are going to review password management.
Device42’s password management features enable you to centrally manage your team’s shared logins and passwords. Associate passwords to devices and/or associate with application components. Password security is robust with granular access control for users and groups. Passwords are stored utilizing AES 256 bit encryption, and are also sent to backup files with full encryption.
Let’s start by adding a new password.
The Username field is equivalent to ID or Account name. The Label is the description of this username and password. The password can be added here. Alternatively, you can generate the password. The password generator allows you to specify the password criteria. Including upper and lower case counts, number and special character counts. Let’s go ahead and use this password. Next we have the option to associate passwords with one or more devices. We also have the option to associate passwords with one or more application components. Next we have access control options for both users and groups. View only – users and groups have the ability to view this password, but will not have the ability to edit. Next we have the edit access control – users and groups chosen here will have the ability to view and edit this password. The Last Password Change option allow you to specify the date and time when this password was last changed, if not specified, the date and time are automatically recorded when a password is changed here. The First Added date is automatic, tracking the date and time this password record was created. Lastly, all password pages will timeout due to inactivity after one minute, this setting is configurable.
Next, let’s take a look at how password management is integrated throughout Device42.
History is recorded for all activities for each password, and is accessible via the History button found on each password page. All related actions are logged, adds, changes, deletes and even password viewing is logged. All prior passwords are stored encrypted and can be viewed via the View Password page by clicking on Prior Passwords…as shown here. Password history can also be viewed in the master History List by going to Reports | History. This list includes a record of all activity performed on any object in the system, including passwords…and like all lists in Device42, it can be searched, sorted, and filtered.
Here we have a device associated with the sharepoint admin account and password. As you can see, the Passwords option is available for this device. Let’s click the Passwords button…here I have the option to show the password – note that the password is not shown by default. Passwords are only retrieved for viewing when requested. I also have the option to copy the password without showing it, click Copy, then Control + C or Command + C (for MAC).
Next up, let’s take a look at creating and scheduling password reports. Password reports enable you to know if a password has or has not changed during a specified time period.
Username contains: is optional, but useful when reporting on a specific username and password…and likewise for the Label contains: field.
Last Password Change: useful for one-time reports.
Options for password changed in the last: 1, 2, 3, 6, or 12 months
Options for password NOT having been changed: 1, 2, 3, 6, or 12 months.
Choose your report columns, and report sort order. Configure the report schedule. Enter a report name and email recipients. Save & Schedule or Run the report now.
This concludes the password management video, thanks for watching!
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